shithead comics


"He's on FIRE!"

No Dick, either.

I thought you were referring to stuff that's similar to Sucklord's shtick as the "popular genre of the moment," but I guess not. I make art with a very similar sensibility as TSL's, and have noticed in recent years other people doing similar stuff. I think it's going to get more popular in the next decade. Just to

Though everyone going on and on and on about it every time O'Neal interviews Clark came really close to convincing me, I honestly don't see any romantic tension at all.

My comment was a joke comment.

What about Hitler, though?

I'd like to believe that his INSISTENCE that it's not a joke means it's not a joke. If not, well, it is clearly a really fucking stupid joke.

His list of people and things that could have used the money doesn't really help his "not a joke" assertions

I was just about to mention this strip. I like imagining that all of the other strips are just the hallucinations of a dying animal.

I've read some of the other Franco newswires and thought it was just some weird, elaborate joke, but then I saw this, and Franco does a better job of parodying himself than O'Neal ever could.

I feel the same way.

Look, it's okay to post in the comments section with your nostalgia-blinders on. I never once said it wasn't. I was actually being SINCERE when I implied you were a dumb sheep.


what are they?

These guys are pussies. Ernest: Scared Stupid is the only film that makes real men scared.

Haven't seen the episode but I'm gonna take a wild guess and say ERASERHEAD

being revealed as the strangler woulda been brilliant

woah, weird

Simpsons Halloween episodes rock. The early ones, at least. Also not sure how the hell you could seriously call Halloween uninteresting. Out of traditional holidays, it's the weirdest by far.