shithead comics

me neither

as well you should. i can't fucking stand random lego guy.

you might

When I was a teenager I wanted a "FRANKIE SAY RELAX" shirt ever since I saw Ross on Friends wearing one. I still do.

Yes, it does.

amen to that

I believe the part about the dogshit. More than you will ever, ever know.

wolfmansRazor - someone's been reading the FOUNTAINHEAD!

well, there's, you know, a link

My thoughts exactly. This is sort of fucking weird.


"The wisdom of Christopher Nolan and his incredible team…" made me chuckle pretty hard.

what do you mean, wut? snark, bro.


I thought Groening was pretty cool with Daniel. Yeah, he was freaked out, but I don't think he was CREEPED out, you know? He knew what to expect from an encounter with Daniel. He was really fucking nice to him.

That's the best one. All the other ones rarely make any damn sense at all. Drinkify sucks.

cute baby.

Agreed. NCIS is decent.

franklinshepard, have you met the rest of the AV Club commenters? we're all pedantic assholes too, you'll fit right in.

two people mashing on a keyboard = awesome