shithead comics

Um… Yeah, dude made no indication whatsoever that he hated Hallowe'en.

You probably shouldn't flaunt this fact

I thought it was O'Neal until I glanced at the name

Am I the only AV Club reader that thinks "Manic Pixie Dream Girl" sounds god-damn stupid?

I know, ridiculous, right?

Neither. Sam Raimi & The Classic.

I usually like weird, ridiculous crap, but I HATED Big Trouble in Little China.

yeah, but loutallica is gloriously awful, this is just shit

so he's a deranged millionaire? finally, the venue songs universe and the areas of my expertise universe are the same universe.

Wait, so this movie has a clever premise? I thought it was the stupidest fucking sci-fi flick of at least this year.

Independence Day is still awesome

@avclub-587cfeb528aef752bfe58ce611c4f9ce:disqus : Not sure what hating the Beatles says about a person. Music is incredibly subjective. I wouldn't say the Beatles "sucked" but I personally don't particularly care for them, and do I think they're overrated? Definitely.

nothing to add or say except i support your sane opinion. not sure who thinks actors are smart though

Hah, you made a premature decision on leaving early. I saw the first one on VHS at age 8 but turned it off at the pencil-in-the-ankle scene. This means that I somehow got through the tree rape scene and must have been totally okay with it, so I don't know what that says about me.

Hah, you made a premature decision on leaving early. I saw the first one on VHS at age 8 but turned it off at the pencil-in-the-ankle scene. This means that I somehow got through the tree rape scene and must have been totally okay with it, so I don't know what that says about me.

Hey, man. I fuck my mom because of oedipal tension, you fuck my mom while listening to DIE ANTWOORD'S "TENSIONS." Hipster trash.

Bruce Campbell is beautiful

That sounds pretty scary, who was the director of that?

You just don't UNDERSTAND, man. I'm guessing you don't care for the Evil Dead films.