There were many recurring characters. Both her friends in Cabot Cove, the many nephews, nieces and cousins she visited, and old college friends.
There were many recurring characters. Both her friends in Cabot Cove, the many nephews, nieces and cousins she visited, and old college friends.
Chief Wiggum, I can't wait to hear about all the exciting, sexy adventures you're sure to have against this colorful backdrop.
My favorite line in the episode is one I can't perfectly recall right now. Bill is complaining at the end of the game that Harris killed him and Daniel says something like, "Well, then you'll get him next week!" To me it really resonates as all these characters are slogging through life, mostly trying to get by and…
Maybe they were confused by the Colbert Report mashup "Breaking Abbey"…
I know he's fighting the Winter Soldier but the name has more to do with how the character spends his downtime (without being spoilerly). It's not a given that it takes place at winter. But if it does, winter doesn't equal Christmas.
But we already had AIM in IM3.
One of the things that didn’t work for me in Iron Man 3 was how disconnected it was from everything else. Since the end of Iron Man, Marvel had been selling the franchise on its connectivity and people loved it. Iron Man 3 however tried to be its own thing to, I believe, its detriment.
I think @avclub-21c3134ee5edcb618c4f9aae358d73a7:disqus is right, Coulson is out of the movies. That was the point of bringing in Colbie Smulders as Maria Hill. So that once Coulson died there would be a new person for Nick Fury to talk to in the films.
"Ultimate Force" sounds like it would be the movie staring Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
GI Joe: A Real American Hero #195. Consistently enjoyable. All the pieces got into place and things are starting to go horribly wrong. I’ve said before Hama is a master at building his subplots and is very good at bringing everything together for anniversary issues. Things are going to get a lot worse for the Joes…
Ooo! Thanks! I had no idea this existed.
The movie could just open with a cartoon of the "Rise and Shine" song ("God said to Noah…") and then roll credits, turn on the theater lights for the crazies to leave and then play the untouched real movie. That way everyone's happy.
The fakeout with Ward really shouldn't have worked. Ward was driving for a while so the handler would have seen his hands or any of the mirrors in the car. Also the glasses feed would have been moving around a lot less than it would as an eye.
Let's not forget the rivalry between Monroe High School (later Millard Fillmore High School)'s Individualized Honors Program students vs. the honors students at Bronx High School of Science. They also had a rivalry with the USSR.
I don't think they all got on the same train. When they came down the escalators some went right, some went left. She spotted the right one when they were in the Square and followed him and a few others got on the one train.
She had the implant with the kill switch since she left SHIELD so she couldn't have openly written them a report. But she's a secret agent, she could have tried some method of covert communication. And she could have not killed people when she didn't have to. The mission to steal wasn't kill or be-killed, it was steal…
(While eating soup…)
GESH Principal: I believe last year I won your first born son.
Scudworth: You leave Brian out of this! …How is Brian, anyway?
GESH Principal: De-licious!
Ooh! He admitted it. He's going to marry a carrot!
Wikileaks Albino…
Yeah, but The Brain was just LaMarche's Orson Welles anyway.