Adam Farrar

Your girlfriend? Are you going to marry a carrot, Lemon of Troy?
(stupid new disqus made your name all squiggly when I tried to @you)

I like in the commentary how wrong they admit to being about Jim Carrey. This aired in March 1995, after Ace Ventura, The Mask, and Dumb & Dumber but before Batman Forever and Ace Ventura 2. 1998's The Truman Show was a long way away when they made this episode.

Apparently Burton didn't like D'Onofio's voice and had LeMarche come in later. I'd love to hear the original audio.

There's also the great combination of Maurice LaMarche and Vincent D'Onofrio to become Orson Welles.

They also sold poisoned milk to schoolchildren.

What about John Q. Mind, star of "Mind Quad!"

I still call it that and sometimes forget why.

Hah! I actually lived in Santee as a kid, my dad grew up in Escondido, I've got other family in and around the area, and I'm a lifelong Padres and Chargers fan. I love San Diego, America's Finest City.

It's sounds done by people who only know what sounds are like in movies without any real experience. They just recycle the cliches and continue dumbing things down.

That's an excellent analysis of "Vanilla Ice Goes Amish" A!

@avclub-383d3906a81567a4790639391dc4ecd7:disqus Oh, I hadn't realized it did so well. Hm, and apparently it was still on 75 screens nationwide today. Ok then!

@TaumpyTearrs:disqus I was a kid then too. I was interested in Quicksilver and Vision and they both came off as jerks at the time. But I remember the exact scene you're talking about. I think it might have been the issue when Vision turned evil… but wasn't really Vision. People make fun of Deathcry being a member of

Why is this still a problem? It's not impossible for a show's first episode or first several to be good. Whedon's got a couple of shows under his belt now, why can't they start strong? Why do his shows require a mulligan?

I don't understand the criticism that they're too late to make references to WWZ and Zimmerman now. WWZ came out in the US four months ago while Zimmerman's verdict was only reached three months ago. A case can be made that since WWZ was a relative flop people may not appreciate it, but I can say that while I never

Oh I think Black Knight is a straight "leave." Though I mostly know him from the leather jacket era Avengers. I had/have zero interest in a Black Knight/Sersi/Evil alternate reality Black Knight/Crystal/Quicksilver love pentagon. Blech.

Who? Oh, Expanded Universe? Pff.

It's source of the article title but number #11 out of #14. 'Cause that makes sense…

Yale could use an international airport.

I live in San Francisco so we hate LA (and consider most of Southern California to be LA). We have a friendly rivalry with Oakland (not counting stabbings at football and baseball games) who we consider always a step behind us. Everyone else in the region gets clumped together and considered a suburb to be ignored.

Sure, a week ago, I would have been booing my wife right along with you guys.
You were, Hank!