Adam Farrar

Uh, what if… that thing I said?

The solicitations were teasing but Eastman and the IDW TMNT editor did an interview shortly thereafter and the editor said, "So essentially we have five different short stories, touching on all of the major incarnations of TMNT in the comics format. Kevin will be doing a story capturing the tone of early Mirage TMNT.

Wasn't the name chosen through a fan contest and in part took the nickname of then Mayor Bartle who helped bring the team from Dallas?

That's really cool! IDW has been reprinting the original Adventure issues but at a pretty slow pace and from poor quality scans. But I keep hoping they realize there's a market there and put out the Forever War. IDW has a pretty good track record so far of continuing comics. I'm a devoted fan of Larry Hama's

Split the difference and try the 2003-2009 series. It's better than either of those.

It was fantastic!

It was a terrible idea to remake the tv show from the '70s with Nathan Wind, Vic Colfari, Alasondro Alegré and Fred Kelly. I'll just watch reruns of that instead.

The movie poster makes me feel sorry for Holloway: http://images.moviepilot-cd… He's got 6th billing, Terrance Howard has 4th but Sam Worthington has 2nd? Who thinks Sam Worthington is a draw? And Harold Perrineau isn't even billed.

Inanimate carbon rod!

I do like the sellers who don't understand how retail works.
Expert: This item would sell to niche market collectors for $100.
Seller: Oh wow!
Pawn broker: How much do you want for it?
Seller: $100!
Pawn broker: *sigh* I might sell it for $100, I'm not the collector who wants it. I need to stay in business. I'll give you

He signed my college diploma. So I've got that goin' for me which is nice…

Berets were popular among Joes. Dial Tone, Falcon and Dusty also had berets.

Her character design is based on Stalker (http://www.yojoe.com/action… a name that should have lended itself to something better than "Three Kids."

Well, we can at least all agree that Tomasi's book was better than Snyder's.

Ah, that was muddier than what I wanted to mean. Throughout the interview there are little things that make it sound like Tomasi feels more responsible for the character Damian than, I feel, he should.

It’s nice to see that someone at DC is paying attention to what Grant did and wants to continue it but the end results seem unnecessary. The identity of “Batman and…” is “imitation Grant” which I guess makes it distinct from the other half-dozen Batman books but it doesn’t feel like it’s built to be remembered. (Even

He did the Sub Diego era that started with "American Tidal" in 2004 (15-22, 25-29, 32. Plus covers for 23-24, 30-31, 33-37). It was great moody stuff that has never been collected.

Yeah! I Love Lucy, The Andy Griffith Show and Seinfeld are the shows that were all #1 in the ratings for their last season.