Adam Farrar

Bowl of candy beans.
Spare bowl of candy beans.

I'm saving my good stuff, too.


In some article here talking about Cera's initial reluctance to sign up for the reunion someone said "Why should he play George Michael in Arrested Development when he's so busy playing George Michael in every other movie?" You can debate how true it is, but it's certainly a funny line. I'd cite whoever said it if it

In my rewatch I stumbled on the deleted scene of Michael entering the room when Ann teaches George Michael to eat a mayon-egg. It's horrifying.

On 4/30, I started a rewatch planning two episodes a day (plus a third somewhere) so that I would watch the last episode on 5/25. I didn't keep to this schedule though, some more some less, but I'm back on track! I started season 3 on Sunday and will end right on time. I've also been taking in all the deleted scenes

God, I feel like my heart is straining through my shirt.

Cue "Reposted Benjamin Franklin comments" gimmick poster…

You must teach me the ways of the secular flesh!

The first show was called "Star Wars: Clone Wars" the second show was called "Star Wars: The Clone Wars." Easy, yes?

That's what Luuke was made from. I remembered that but double checked. Luuke also had Anakin/Luke's lightsaber.

Robocop can also be reduced to it's original movie without losing anything worthwhile. Goodbye two sequels, two tv shows, two cartoons, lots of comics, and especially upcoming remake! The video games could stay but I wouldn't miss them.

How long until Miles joins the Ultimate Guardians of the Galaxy?

I think the main reason that Fatale improves after the first five issues was that the number of issues increased. It was originally going to be something like only 10 issues, and then expanded to 12 and then 13 and now it's ongoing. Once they had room to let the story breath it started making more sense and became

That's the only reason I pick up that book. I'd like to see Gleason draw someone else's script after all this time with Tomasi.

Also they use the big blue dot over Oscar's erections. I think the colored dot is meant to obscure more than just smudging the image.

Well, the female body is a… work of art. The male body is utilitarian, it's for gettin' around, like a jeep.

He just wants to see boys' Linus-es.

Gene has an ad in the yellow pages next to Ice's ad in "Good Grief". Michael also calls him in "Hand to God."

Who knows what adventures they'll have between now and the time the franchise becomes unprofitable?