Adam Farrar

Even though I'm a fan of JB Smoove, every time I read his name I have to pause a second and remind myself its "JB Smoove" not "Smoove B, Love Man."

It's like how not every episode of Real Sex is available at one time. I mean… um, how the movies change?

Well, then no one should be using the library? Or did you interpret "snagged" as @avclub-52daa17a306006563a5361c316f87c7b:disqus stealing from the library? I interpreted it as "checking them out from the library as intended."

Whenever I have trouble with my cable/internet I think of him yelling, "Preferred customer my ASS!"

According to people who bothered to record this crucial information into wikipedia, the last episode of Whitney aired 3/27/13 and 1600 Penn ended the next day. I would have guessed they stopped airing in February.

I saw the movie and then read the book. I know it was published in 1998 but set in 1993 but I think the decision to make the movie set in the modern day of 2002 helped it. In 2002 it's that much easier for Will to isolate himself with a pop culture bubble.

(nervous glances)

Or the waffle he thought was God. "Mmm…sacralicious."

Exactly. I don't understand this sideways H business or that it would need to be a flat. There could be other apartments. Floor one is bowling alley #1, floor two is apartments including Grimes, floor three is bowling alley #2. Simple, done, relax and enjoy the pronunciation of "below another".

Jupiter's Legacy had me at "Oh great, new Frank Quitely, and it's written by…oh, really? well, I at least hope Frank has cool things to draw…"

This is where the fish lives.

This doesn't help.
No one has a problem with you disliking Daniel Tosh or his comedy or television shows. As a Pop Culture Critic, it’s your job to have an opinion on that and share it. Please do. I enjoy your reviews. But your job is not to state that the only people who enjoy something you don’t are less educated

How could there be a Mayberry RFD when there were only five seasons of the Andy Griffith Show?

Ooh, this is where Jaws eats the boat! 
Ooh, this is where Die Hard jumps through the window! 
Ooh, this is where Wall Street gets arrested, ha ha!

@avclub-5cbb1c37a1f2c2af7b58d8de06783aff:disqus It really does. If you read the book, the team of heroic lawyers mention the case from "To Kill…" as a precedent they could cite.

He went there, a PRIVATE college. Not some "state college" like many of us. Go to http://www.avclub.com/artic… and search "state college" for what he said and the comments that follow.

He never lost the bone claws, they were just coated with adamantium. The retcon actually works well when you reread Barry Windsor-Smith's "Weapon X" which showed the adamantium bonding, as the scientists mention an unusual amount is flowing to his wrists and they don't know why.

You guys got somethin' to say to me? Why don't you say it in the microphone. I got a backup mike right here. Check one two, testing, testing. Yup, they both workin' and guess what? They don't like no feedback. What's up?

My favorite in Galaxy Quest is Sam Rockwell's Guy.
"Hey! Don't open that! It's an alien planet! Is there air? You don't know!"

Yes: http://www.avclub.com/artic…
"Great Job, Internet!: Justin Bieber sounds amazing when he's slowed down 800 percent" - By Sean O'Neal August 17, 2010
"Justin Bieber is amazing when he’s slowed down 800 percent" - By Sean O'Neal May 2, 2013