Or John Wayne: https://www.google.com/sear…
Or John Wayne: https://www.google.com/sear…
"It's like they saw our lives and put it right up on screen!"
It was because the producers wanted to get away from Stan Lee's alliterative names: http://goodcomics.comicbook…
Bay's a great example of the Peter Principle.
I'll add to what @MattJ19:disqus said, part of the fun of reading any Kindt book is that you start out a feeling slightly overwhelmed and then once you think you've figured out what you're reading, at a certain point he reveals how everything fits together and it's a huge revelation. Pick up the first issue/collection…
Madonna is fucking black orphans? Someone call Child Protective Services!
Barton Fink! Barton Fink! Barton Fink!
He must have picked up this habit from working with Don Murphy.
Lots of people complained that The Hobbit (part 1 of 3) is too long. Bay isn't alone in his sins.
Yes! Magic helmet! And I'll give you a sample!
And "we've got ANOTHER perfect show tonight."
@avclub-64f027640f63616a277e92096313264f:disqus He was shot to bits by the Basterds before the fire got him.
Yeah, they've gone there a few times. Chances are if they're in a mall, it's that one. It's where Mordecai and Rigby tried to get girls numbers by crusin'.
There's no doubt it's a reference to Back to the Future. Check out the signs and times:
BTTF: http://www.zidz.com/img/tou…
RS: http://images4.wikia.nocook…
Now there's also a Twin Peaks reference in the name, but it's mostly BTTF.
I'll also chime in that I was fine with DJ Donnie G lingering after being shot through the chest with a record (the hard way not the flat way) but was disappointed that he lived through the explosion. You don't get a much better death than calmly putting on your sunglasses as a wall of fire engulfs you.
I help those who help themselves!
The commercials for Dog and Beth are odd. It makes them seem like they're going to fight demons instead of tracking down random scumbags.
Hank was on Family Guy? As a devoted King of The Hill fan, should I look for that scene or just move on with my life?
Restoration Pottery Pier and Barrell!