Adam Farrar

It's always the right time for a Luuke joke.

Exactly. "Don't worry about the government…including this example of how the government wipes out life on the planet."

In the third season George gets stuck behind the fridge in his apartment chasing an ice cream sandwich he dropped and finds Annyong spying in the crawlspace.

Yes, Annyong, your name’s Annyong. We all know you’re Annyong. Annyong, Annyong, Annyong.

Oh, but that line!

What they discovered is that Triceratops and Torosaurus were the same species. Triceratops was first found in 1887 and torosaurus was found in 1891. The torosaurus had a longer frills with holes in them and so they were classified separately. But in 2010 scientists realized that the torosaurus was just an adult

@avclub-a452630477eb936fd36fc9a9542d4598:disqus Said seriously and followed with a giddy smile.

I don't think the Republican Party approves of these dinosaurs and their unnatural switching of genders. On the other hand, they don't want these dinosaurs getting gay married.

Plus electric dinosaur.

Nebula's claims have never been confirmed. She was a pirate who stole Thanos' ship while he was dead and claimed to be his granddaughter. When he came back he noted that she "claimed to be my granddaughter" without ever confirming it. She also may be the daughter of a nobody called "Zorr the Conqueror." She also told

Yeah, but people turn out in droves for the Arrested Development classic reviews. I imagine this will have staying power in the comments.

No, an ice cream sandwich.

You were flying today, buddy.
Yes, I was flying. But a little too close to the sun.

I don’t know what that means, but it sounds disgusting.

Do it on the 25th so you're ready at 12:01 am. You don't want to make a huge mistake.

Ah, thanks @avclub-9024f9f0a80d2d248c7c6efb2e715c37:disqus.

D’Artagnan gets worse in the sequel. While the other three have gone off and made something of themselves, he hasn’t done anything. He hasn’t moved up in the ranks, he has no new love (which ok, I’ll give him that one) except for the woman who owns the hotel he lives in who he treats like dirt. So he wants to get the

Being only a little ways into 20 Years Later, I haven't spent much time with Raoul (that's how my translation spells it) but he seems ok. Like a replacement d'Artagnan: competent, overly nice and actually Athos' son as opposed to being just a few years younger but immediately subservient. I have no idea what happens

I love that line sooooo much. I use it all the time. I'm fine with people not getting the reference, but no one ever actually gets that it's a joke.

I’m only 300 pages into Alexander Dumas’ “Twenty Years Later.” This is the first sequel to The Three Musketeers. I’ve been going slow at the book but I’ve finally made it to the capital A Action so I’ll be finding more time to read it. I like Dumas’ writing style of elaborate conversation and unnecessary details but