
Ah, the glory days before Star Wars came along and RUINED EVERYTHING!!!!

In LA, the zombies all ride Segways.

I really have a bad feeling about this series…I think it will be a pallid imitation of TWD, wholly unnecessary except as a sad ratings grab.

No, it pretty much stays clunky, cheesy and dull throughout. The characters are based on cliches and are boringly flat. The plotting, or should I say plodding, is incredibly padded. The finale isn't worth the trouble. I love whacked-out sci fi, too, but not when it bores me to tears.

So this is the episode where something finally happens, right? Congratulations to everyone who stuck with this so far…

There's a good sushi joint if you happen to know a local to ask.

What, nerds are not fashionable anymore! But I just got this username! Rassin-frassin…

The premise sounds good. Baz Luhrmann, well, he has an interesting style. It's nice that they're giving young unknowns a chance. I'll check it out and hope it isn't yet another Netflix misfire because they've been having way too many of those lately. Cmon, I want my eight bucks worth!

You guys are forgetting something important: the Netflix model allows great efficiencies in two ways. 1, it cuts out the middlemen in global distribution. Companies like Foxtel in Australia and Bell in Canada will go out of the distribution business (some might stay in the ISP business) and saves a lot of money that

Lots of people wouldn't be okay with unskippable ads, even for Netflix shows, even if those are shows they would be interested in. By taking away people's power, you make people mad. Then they start to hate a show they otherwise would like because it reminds them of a frustrating experience. I sincerely hope Netflix

Different markets. The fussy people likely to bolt when they get pissed off are the first people to cut the cord. Those are Netflix's customers. The complacent types willing to be reamed by corporate greedheads have been left behind in cable-land.

I'm looking forward to the Tijuana Flashback episode of Bojack.

I always feel sad for Google when I see that one sad Google ad on YouTube. Couldn't sell the ad space, huh Google? Couldn't sell it again. Still couldn't sell it. I wonder if they realize how pathetic it makes them look. Would be better to run nothing or a bonus video of cute kittens with a little Courtesy of Google

That's no lady!

No kidding it irks me that I have to still get DVDs just to get a decent selection for a reasonable price but the ball's in Netflix's court. Just hope my DVD player holds up till they shape up.

Then get streaming too so you have impulse options.

$16 gets streaming and DVD, more crap than you could ever hope to watch in a single lifetime for a dirt cheap price with no ads, what's the problem?

Me too, dumped cable eons ago. Can't figure out why everybody hasn't. I guess they like sports?

You don't need to go that high. For $16, get Netflix streaming + DVD and get everything under the friggen sun. Yeah I know they should have more on streaming but till they do, I'm keeping the DVD service too.

Go subscribe to Hulu then. But honestly if they're shoving ads at you, Hulu should be free.