
They should make trailers for their shows enticing, not obnoxious! The way to do that is easy: just have some kind of alert on the home page, under the little bell upper right that's already there. Have the bell light up red when there's some new cool thing to check out. Oooh a brand new trailer. It's like a present

I hope Netflix saw that total fucking meltdown that occurred when even the barest whiff of a mention of a suggestion was made that Netflix might possibly theoretically have a few ads at some unidentified future date. That will give them all the consumer research they need to carve NO.FUCKING.ADS.EVER into Reed

Netflix could do worse than bankroll a low-rent ripoff of Twin Peaks. Like giving the Wachowski's more money to bore us silly again next year.

Being female and getting old in Hollywood killed her career. But not on Netflix! They love over the hill actors. Just hope this doesn't suck like Sense8.

I'm not in love with this show, but I appreciate that something this oddball can survive on streaming. Now we need tuff that's both oddball and good…

I have a hard time believing that a professional criminal knows less about how to interact with criminals than an actor who only knows a screenwriters' bullshit ideas about criminals.

I'm wondering how much some of these folks have to offer, really…three of them have skills but the other five seem useless.

I'm a couple episodes past this point, but the way it's shaking out is that some of the stories are interesting, but most are a bore (especially the annoying Mexican nonsense and the dull German stuff).