

oh my god the PTA has disbanded!

we also survived the transition to registering usernames, and the update after that but before disqus.

so stick around!

i know. but it would suck to let them win.

I hope everyone will stick around and at least try to adapt to the new system. Otherwise I'll just go back to the AVoCADo i guess.

Kim Jong Un better watch out!

Make sure you wash your hand after that…

it doesn't always look good for a witness to throw attitude during cross, it can make them look defensive, but it sounds like she did it just right.

says the former jezebel example of creepy internet posters. (was it jezebel or Slate?)

double blergh!

that's what I had. never got the THX remaster


but I assume he picked a good spot with lots of mountains on the border already.

also, the Ash Mountains (Ered Lithui) that form the northern border of Mordor were resulting from the volcanic activity and Sauron's work, not from tectonics, as far as I could tell.

it's nerds all the way down.

Orodruin could be on a hotspot, doesn't have to be at a subduction or rift zone!

Nevermind, you're right. Veers was in Vader's weird bedroom thing and we get to see his deformed head for the first time.

Blergh! (but it was Piett who tried to cover for Hozzle, veers was there too)
