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    This is late, and no one will probably read this, but I need to get this out. Goddamn, the score during Regina's first riding scene was FANTASTIC. A short piece, just over 30 seconds, but they nailed it. I must've replayed about a dozen times and can't seem to get it out of my head. Bravo, Mark Ishman.

    Yes, the Friend Zone vibes were strong in their scenes. Not that I would know what that's like or anything.

    That scene was fantastic. I'm going to hijack this thread here for a bit. Amongst many other things, as complicated as they are, the show gets big/small relationships right. The scene with Cat and Robb was the highlight of the episode, continuing the streak of their strong couple of scenes in the final stretch of the

    I'm not sure I'll ever get over Rubicon's cancellation. I've since come to terms with Terriers, but still holding on to Rubicon. I'LL TAKE IT TO THE GRAVE. Hate chu, AMC.

    Guys, I can't wait for this season and all the red-herrings, honestly. I got huge laughs out of the terrorist/circumcision plot (that was actually a thing, in case you forgot.) The show just kept spinning its wheels and getting worse, it became laughable. I'm just hoping it doesn't settle into its boring

    I went through the comments whilst on the train and it was impossible for me to keep it together. And that was just quotes. I got some looks, but it was worth it.

    I liked this episode was basically a response to people who say that these characters are terrible people. We often have commenters who come here and say, "I sampled the show, but these character are just the worst. Hate the show. How do you guys watch week to week? Just the worst!"

    Alex's excitement when it came time to hide again was the best. Also her Ellen dance. Goddamn, Cuthbert and her adorable Canadianness.

    If a show ever needed to pull an American Horror Story, it's this one. Can you imagine another 5-10 seasons with this cast? I don't hate the show, I enjoy for the most part, but I'm pretty sure I'd grow to.

    You guys, Lori is THE WORST. When she told Andrea to shut up because Rick was talking! Jesus Fucking Christ.

    You know, I did genuinely like Dale for a while. I remember after either the first or second episode of the season, I made a comment about a spinoff where Dale meets Lapidus and drinks mojitos on an island. That was before, like every other character, they completely ruined him.

    But then we would've had to wait until next season to find out who actually pulled the trigger. In a surprise twist, it was T-Dog and he's actually undercover for the zombies. Also, Lori's baby, T-Dog's the father.

    Loved the pilot. Jason Issacs is just, for a lack of a better word, the bestest.

    @avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus, don't make me whip out my magic towel and fight you in it. I'll do it. AND THE TOWEL WILL NOT FALL.

    I didn't think to make the comparison until I read your comment, but as soon as it was made, it just clicked. Someone needs to make a Amber/Claire fanvid set to Death Cab STAT.

    I'm still not convinced that he was actually playing Riggins, when Billy was called to give his speech they called for a Billy Garner. I think it was just a fun wink Katims through in there.

    Re: 6FU I was thinking the exact same thing, and not only because of the use to Death Cab last week.

    A couple of years back I decided it'd be a good idea to watch the footage of Columbine that was linked in a retrospective article. It, also, was not a good idea. It kept replaying in my mind for a couple of weeks. I seem to have completely erased now, I remember watching it, but barely anything in the video. It was

    Oh, Kirk. Don't make me bring you juice and Subway footlongs!

    There was an audible gasp and a couple of 'WHAT????'s. I can't remember the last time they announced the next host live on air.