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    I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. The beginning of Super Showcase was absolutely terrible, I mean, "The answer is NINE!", just the worst. But then something magical happened, was it something off stage? A last minute script change? Was the cart actually malfunctioning? I'll never know, but it'll always be a

    Guys, what are they doing with Klaus? Him angsting by the fire whilst throwing in his drawings of Caroline was THE WORST. I had hopes that seducing Caroline was part of his master plan, but I guess not. I get that him having his family back has brought back a lot of his feelings, he's acting even more childish thus

    Right? I haven't read the comics, so when he popped up I immediately thought, "Hey, maybe he's going to be that Governor guy everyone talks about. That would be fun!" Then Rick shot him.

    Late response, but here it is. Re: succubus storyline it was actually filmed in season 1, but didn't make the cut. Thankfully.

    Because he's the hero Murder House deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So, we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful rapist. A RUBBER MAN.

    Rubber Larry is the only acceptable answer.

    Guys, stop it. I'm getting nostalgic.

    Ben Harmon 4 lyfe!!!

    Oh, gooood for you!

    He is literally untouchable, bitch.

    I'll wear my Team Stefan shirt under my Rubber Man suit from now on.

    I don't have much to say about this episode, except that I loved it. It reminded me a lot of last season's fantastic "The Last Day", which is one of my favorite episodes the show has done.

    So this show isn't about JATE Vs. SKATE?

    And the Bass in Claudia Lewis.

    Stop that. Pretty Little Liars is the worst, ever.

    Other Shows? You mean to tell me Todd isn't reviewing all 22(!), already ordered, episodes of The Firm and inevitably giving at least one episode an A? For shame, TV Club. For. Shame.

    I drew the line at Burlesque. There's only so much abuse I'm willing to take.

    "Die, die, die… I can't"

    "Her occasional forays into romantic comedies aside…"