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    Yes, OG RUBBER MAN! 4evs.

    So it was hiding in Lange's hair? I can see that.

    And them ominously standing in the porch saying, "We have to keep doing this to everyone."

    Right? I was laughing so hard. And Moira as the kooky aunt is perfect.

    My husband and I had to get away from all the stress of the big city and were looking for a cozy B&B to stay in for a weekend. We read up on a couple of places and decided on this one and let me tell you, you guys were totally right. It's AMAZING! Chad and Patrick, the couple who run the place, are so cute! The staff

    Also, I've recently started using the twitter and have very few people to interact with. It's the holidays, I don't want to talk to family. Please help and follow me, I'm at Twitter.com/gds3000, like our fallen hero Horsebot.

    Ben sweeping the mess of what I assume was a rager he threw, was the best. I could not stop laughing. So convincing, that McDermott.

    "Yeah, you did!"

    Guys, please don't tell me I'm the only one who enjoyed it. I've gone insane, I really have.

    Guys, I may have finally gone insane. I enjoyed the finale quite a bit. I was expecting the absolute worst, and some of it was, but it was fun and I was laughing a lot. Also, I was drinking.

    Southland had a fantastic season. Man, I miss that show.

    The grades were part of the fun and added to the conversation. Especially in the beginning when we'd get 3-4 of the same commenters posting, "TODD I HATE YOU UR A HACK WHY ARE U WATCHING TV U DON'T GET IT." But much like Ben's awakening, Todd had one around mid-season, with intercuts to inside his head and all, "WHO

    Guys, last chance to vote for Ben Harmon's Best Line!

    I'm a SNL/cast apologist, so seeing all of them up on stage and on the ice rink was just the greatest!

    Many don't watch The Middle so this will be lost on most.

    I started watching Homeland this week, I left off on "The Weekend" last night. HOLY SHIT!


    I didn't appreciate seeing Mrs. Coach dying. Not one bit.

    Sigh, they're just trying to tease us RUBBER BABY! theorist. It not giving in, not after that reveal. It's over.

    And from Tonight's episode: