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    Smoldering Little Children:

    Spooky Little Girls:



    Halloween Pt. 2:

    Also from Halloween Pt. 1:

    Halloween Pt. 1:

    Ben was barely in the second episode so we're skipping to the third.

    Pilot: "I needed you and you got a DOG."


    You guys, get excited it's time for Ben Harmon's Best Line, the semifinals!

    Now, the (deep breath, trying to contain myself here guys) PENULTIMATE,

    Another fun episode. This show is so close to being a trashier TVD, I can taste it.

    Season 4, after every single episode: I really miss The Vampire Diaries.

    Or adorable Leslie Knope's Headlines!

    It's a real song by Toby Keith, I unfortunately know that because it was on the iTunes Top 10. You couldn't pay me to listen to or watch 50 year olds singing about the long lost days of red solo cups.

    It really is the best. By the 7th showing of it, my friends and I made a ridiculous drinking game out of it and started quoting it in different accents. I mean, how could you not?

    Glee! I’ll understand every scene because they’ll sing what they mean instead of making a face!

    This episode could've been so much more. I shouldn't compare this show to LOST, but Kitsis and Horowitz have seen the Desmond episodes and that's basically what this was.