That was a terrible review of the review. Way too self-serious and antagonizing, you should open up the world a bit, add some sympathetic characters and explore some new themes. C-, at best.
That was a terrible review of the review. Way too self-serious and antagonizing, you should open up the world a bit, add some sympathetic characters and explore some new themes. C-, at best.
Guys, our RUBBER BABY! theory is still in play and even got some furthering tonight! Did you see it moving? It was totally in a gimp suit. It must happen.
This show is so frustrating. The Violet, Tate, and Constance stuff :B-B+, everything else: C-D. That was one hell of a cold open, tho.
There will never be an appropriate time to mention it. Unless, of course, you're telling your grandkids about it.
Thanks for reminding me about Rubicon's cancellation, you jerk.
I've watch the show plenty of times, I'm not "categorizing" the show, Conan, or Andy based on one joke. Just, what I find, IMO, its lazy punch-line jokes.
My problem there wasn't the quality, it was Andy. I just find him really grating. Since I already have a bias against the show and, what I find, its laziness, tuning and hearing that wasn't the best hook.
Also, it's not really either/or for me. They're both good, I just prefer Craig's show.
I was watching once this summer and I remember Andy saying that sometime during the monologue and I flipped the channel.
I guess Craig Vs. Conan stems back to when Conan was still on NBC and was on at the same as Craig.
Also, Craig Ferguson is the best!
Goddamn, I planned on this being 3, maybe 4 short sentences. I just have a lot of feelings, guys.
You guys, I'm going to break-up the Conan love fest and express my opinions, alright? I'm going to be just as annoying as the "Team Coco" fans, except 20% less. Are you ready for me, like Phil Nugent, to express my opinions? Let's do this.
Also, Brent Musburger! doing his best Darth Vader.
Re: Jane: I wanna love it. I don't get it.
Infantata Incarnate sounds like a menu item at a fancy Mexican restaurant.
The Boston Tea Party joke was the best.
It's official: Happy Endings is the Community of Wednesdays! This show is just so much fun.
I also hate the abbriv, froyo, but frozen yogurt gets tedious after a while and not many would get the frogurt Lost reference.
I just don't think McDermott gets it, really. He should've saved some of the camp-n-ham for later on in the season because it really can't get much worse. It probably will and I'm both ecstatic and terrified.