Pope Spanky IV

Hollywood's a helluva drug. RIP.

Probably because he's not from Chicago.

I used to think it was "Everybody Plays The Flute" particularly because of that flute riff

This is AV Club. There has to be at least two things.

Exactly. That's why I stay away from digital. All those 0s and 1s go straight to my thighs.

Isn't Synalpheus on side two of Obscured by Clouds?

From what I read Henson did not really revere the physical puppets.Kermit, Ernie and others he would just through to floor after using. Often puppets were given to his kids to play with.

There's a Black Sabbath joke in there somewhere

For me, I am doing what I did 25 years ago as well. Once a new media takes over, everyone gets rid of the old media, making the old used format cheap. In the early 90s I was buying used mint vinyl for 2 or 3 bucks, stuff I see people paying 20-25 dollars for now. These days I am getting used CDs for about 4-6 bucks.

Maybe they only had freedom fries

Carson could blow them all away, even in the state he's in now.

Have you had an oeuf?

How is Bunnicula not involved with this?

It was not my choice, it just happened to be playing, but my first time making out was to Queen's "Under Pressure" and I think the whole Hot Space album.

My first thought was, "Wait, Matthew Perry is Canadian?"

Probably somewhere between monumental and very fine for me. This wasn't a mind blowing experience for me when I first heard it (around 1986 when I was 17) because I had read so much about before hand. Still, it's up there near top of my list.

:::Spike Lee angrily tweets Officer Tackleberry's Police Academy address:::

"…but we don’t have corn dogs for sale…."

Come on now, the guy is over 80 years old…………….so let's drag him into this country and beat the shit out of him.

My one rule for checking out music? Avoid anything with the word "indie" written anywhere (fortunately I believe it's not used anywhere in the above article).