Pope Spanky IV

Lot of people love it. Lot of people hate it. Am I the only one who is pretty much indifferent to it? I saw it in January of 1998 I think, and after it was over thought "That was ok, I guess?" Haven't watched it again, and it has barely entered my consciousness since seeing it.

Change the location. Bangor Vice. The jokes just write themselves

It's isn't anymore. It's memes.

oh no! It's Jabba the Hut!…….wait……..Gene Parmesan?

We all did. There is nothing Original anymore.

I'm sorry, but that "Let's Do It For Our Country" number absolutely taints the whole soundtrack to the point that none of it can be considered good in any way.

How much do you think I can bench press?

I always laugh out loud when Michael Hitchcock slaps him on the head

I've seen at least 10 times: Richard Thompson, his old band Fairport Convention (more than 20 times), Pearl Jam, Arlo Guthrie, Herbie Hancock, Bill Morrissey, and Dr. John.

I like these wrinkly women.

I'm waiting for a teleporter that will zap me from my bed to work fully pressed and cleaned

Wake me when science is truly able to keep the hot side hot and the cold side cold.

So, it will be 2 hours of Quentin as Manson obsessing over Beatle lyrics.

That's because 95% of people who listen to music in general have it as background to whatever it is their doing, so pop music is something that's not paid much attention. There is some great legitimate pop music out there, but often it requires wading through an awful lot of awful music.
As for Haim, phrases like "80s

Talk about a place both wonderful and strange. The nerds are not what they seem.

Bought my copy in 1992, near mint, for only 4 dollars.

It's a good time to stick with CDs, with everyone selling their collections, the used CD market has great deals. Just like what I saw in the very early 90s when people got rid of their vinyl to switch to CDs. I made out like a bandit back then on vinyl and now make out like a bandit on CDs

What if all these planets are worse than ours? What if we aren't the biggest assholes in the universe?

Curtis Mathes makes the best TVs!

Well, Journey was one of the Big Rock 'n' Roll bands in the 80s. Things don't really change.