Pope Spanky IV

I Love You Always Forever by Donna Lewis is the worst song ever. Mostly because I can't recall hearing a more mediocre and cliched song. I don't know who wrote it, but if the took more than 15 minutes (I was going to say if they took longer than the songs length to write it, but I am feeling generous) to write, they

and its a testament to his melodic abilities that he can sell Taupin's sometimes awful lyrics

And after he woke up he said "fuck you" to the Angel and got hit again. Marty Balin is one of those guys he could go from badass to extremely whiny in 5 seconds

Jaws, Breaking Away, Bad News Bears, Nashville. There is a scene in Nashville where you see Keenan Wynn napping on his front porch. That encapsulates for me those lazy, slow paced days of summer.
All of them are 70s movies. I was a kid in the 70s and those are the summers I look back at fondly, the one's I didn't

Will this book help us go up heaven's chimney in a giant cigar-shaped UFO brand flying saucer? The Bob is the true way!

i think he's Matt Dylan's kid

"buoys don't cry" will be a success

I'm 47! I'll be the baby of the group!

don't you mean "axe a question"?

I'd rather go with Ed Norton

shoplifting is a victimless crime. like punching someone in the dark

I saw Richard perform a version of "Put It There Pal" on that tour that impressed even himself.

Begley? Jr?

I wish GG Allin was still around to bring new meaning to the phrase "streaming album".

Back in my day, we could only dream of blowing up the moon…now it's science fact!

you're thinking of a Sideboob Show

Taking out The Greatest, 2016 is now offically The Worst.

of course it had the right "tone" *dung!!!!!*

Will she serve a banger in the mouth?

the hooperman theme usually pops up in my mind when i come across mike post's name. that was a really good show.