Pope Spanky IV

it's a victimless crime, like punching someone in the dark

Garbage (the refuse) is on display at my place.

No, that's Prince

don't forget about The Love Bug, with that damn hippie Buddy Hackett.


as a musician there have been a number of people who i wanted to play like. play guitar like clapton, piano like dr. john, sing and write like paul simon, paul mcartney, carole king, etc….., but i always wanted, in some unspecific way, to BE prince, even if i never really tried.

totally i agree. i have a very hefty aversion to 80s pop production, but prince's 80's stuff just sounds great to me.

even in Peter Guralnick's extremely well written elvis bio, this comes off as merely amusing and uneventful.

as a pope, i of course enjoy all the religious hysteria in the first three. the first is a classic, and i am fond of the second, because the anti-christ reminds me of the squeaky-voiced teen in the simpsons.

cue super cool head banging riff

yeah, like about 20 years ago, and totally redid the place to look somewhat like the show. the original bull & finch didn't really.

Daisy Head sounds like a great name for a jam band

They should go for a whole neighborhood. "A Tribeca Called Quest"

on the early records, that's mr. martin playing piano. from the speeding up the tape to sound like harpsichord on "in my life" to the excellent rock n' roll on "rock n' roll music". plus, i believe he got the calliope sounds for "being for the benefit of mr. kite"

ahh, chica hamburgesa!

my favorite Oscar memory was his reaction when Felix decided to redecorate the apartment

mob wives? what mob wives. I ain't seen nothin'. nobody 'round here saw nothin"

it won't be the same without Karen

I imagine a Victorian Cage would be made of elaborate wrought iron

first thing i thought of when i saw the headline was Dark Helmet playing with his dolls in "Spaceballs"