
Someone else is showing up next episode for sure.

Everything about this show is awesome and I love it. As for next season, who knows with this show. It'll be good to get some back story as to what actually happened on the Earth. I can't wait. May we meet again.

Throw Tatiana Maslany and Gina Rodriguez in the mix too

Daryl and Aaron are gonna makeout hardcore


I miss Agent Carter

I'll love this show forever. No show has been no so poignant, funny and heartwarming at the same damn time. Goodbye Parks.

Amazing episode. This season has been phenomenal.

And Parks and Rec.

Only Parks can make me cry and laugh at the same time

Hopefully season finale and not series finale. This show is too good to end so soon.

Yes to Caroline flipping the switch, and to the return of Bonnie, meh everything else.

This season is just building up to that moment when they tell Paige. I can't wait.

I fucking love this show. Needs way more recognition.

I don't even know what they were thinking. This is crazy. Beth's death didn't even get the proper respects.

I'd respectfully disagree. I am loving this season. This episode was incredible.

Man this show has become such a drag. Didn't realize that the "Originals" made such a difference on the show.

Kinda wish Oliver wasn't coming back so soon

This show is so layered and complex I love it

Clarklexa shipping begins!