
Lachlan is Milos(h?)

Please, call me Councilwoman

3-4 MCJR seasons a year sounds good to me

This IS the best new show of the year. I don't care what anyone else says.

Sooooooooooo good!

That ending will live on forever. I'll miss you Legend Of Korra

Odds that they'll win the Golden Globes for best comedy and best actress?

Glad that there's a lot of good-great tv today. Enjoy the golden age while it lasts.

It was hard to focus on this episode after Arrow, but by God does this show pull it off. I'm part of the kill Finn committee (just cause I ship Clarke and Lexa)

I'm glad that Shield is expanding the universe. Hopefully they continue to improve and see that reflect positively in the ratings.

Please let this show not get canceled. It's too good to deserve such a cruel fate.

He may be The Flash, but can Barry Allen get out of the friendzone?


Nick Offerman for everything.

Lexa is awesome. This shows passes the Bechdel test with flying colours.

Only four episodes left? :-(

This episode was great. Pretty intense, and some great Cisco lines as always.

Kind of stopped watching this show this season after the first couple episodes, but it seems to have picked up the slack with the past few. Worth my time?

It says something about this show when characters I'm supposed to dislike, such as Petra, quickly become one of my favourite characters. And Rogelio is comedy gold.

Best episode of the season thus far