
I love chopped up troll spam like that.

I Gamefly'd it. Played it twice and sent it back.

I told you grounding her wouldn't work. You always go straight to the grounding and it's a non-solution.

Good deal. Yeah, I think it just feels too soon, for whatever reason. Initially I saw a 4Q2011 release date, which may have been why.

BioWare's (well, mostly EA's) chop job on the Dragon Age franchise is reason enough to take pause. When I heard a new ME was coming out, it felt too soon. Smells like a cashgrab. I have friends saying Mass Effect 2 is the best video game ever. Ever. Destroying that love for a cashgrab is a perilous endeavor.

And he wears hats?!

Lots of hate for James Franco.

*remarkably similar.

Dumb Question - Is this game at all related to the older game Hunter: The Reckoning? The titles seem remarkable similar.

By "animatronic bums" I initially thought you meant "animatronic rear-ends".

Hi, I'm Windowsmasher. You probably don't know me, though I've been frequenting the AV Club Comment Boards for about 6 years now. Mostly observing, sometimes commenting.


Bad Company 2 is the shit!

@ Melancholic Rodeo Clown - +5

Donkey Kong sucks.

Please direct any reports of mental or bodily theft by the Van Haliens to the Van Helsings.

Oz is one of my favorite HBO series. I'm fascinated by prisons and prison life, though.

Yeah, Space Quest, Police Quest, King's Quest… These were the solid adventure games. Laura Bow 1 & 2 were great, as was that Robin Hood game that was mentioned. Underrated.

To quote OMC, "How bizarre."

If we're requesting Dr. Seuss covers (we're doing that, right), I would like Radiohead do a melancholy ballad about his book The Sneetches.