
Ovulating? Opulent? Oligarchical?

@ J Serious

A hot banger sounds good right about now.

That pic is one of the best things of all time ever.

It was my understanding Assault was simply making physical contact with someone.


Less Emperor Jim.

Yeah, the fact Kinect exists is fine. If MS wants to open its system up to a new demographic, more power to them.

Ghostface doesn't hold a candle to Lemmy.

"Cricket is an excuse to drink during the day."


MGMT headlined Rock the Garden.

It could be much worse.

You can stream The Current online. People all over the world are listening. Check it out.

When Little Lion Man was first played by Lucia on the Current I immediately scribbled down Mumford and Sons on a napkin in my car. That song was and is one of the best songs of 2010.

@ Im Registered

I cannot snipe for shit in MW, for whatever reason.

"PC" stands for Personal Computer. Not exactly a descriptor of genre.

* shrugs *

One of my great-great-etc… grandfathers was named: Chryonce Skank.