This game is fun.
This game is fun.
@ forget_it_lake - My buddy also slept on his couch the night he watched Paranormal Activity. I didn't see how sleeping on a couch vs your bed would protect you from malicious demons.
Stop it! All of you! Leave Sheltie alone!
We had a Grosse Point Blank movie poster on our door.
Leonard Cohen = God
It flows more smoothly than Stranglehold and I do like how there isn't a bullet-time gauge that runs out eventually.
I agree.
@ Leto II - Big props on the Commander Keen avatar.
I agree with i like hot dogs.
NOBODY expects a Spinach Inquisiton.
Mein Kampf!
Oive behn merried too tha weedow nehxt dooor… ahnd sheeze behn merried sehven teymes beefore…
@ Of Course - Was your typing of "Warewolves" a typo or a small deposit of pure clever?
Will nouveau Teen Wolf's mom be collectively played by Wolfmother?
I concur.
I disagree. Realism is what makes FPSs appealing. It's immersing yourself as the protagonist in the enviroment, which houses opponents that react in a convincing (read: true to life) manner.
Yeah, mace that Bastard!
Horsefellow can go away now.
Nice First.
AIDS = Alaskan Isolated Death Sarcophagus.