
Anyone else have problems downloading it on Live?

I can imagine.

Weezer likes attention of any kind. It's depressing to open AV Club and read that they're pushing a new album named Raditude, but it's exactly what I'd expect from them at this point.

Well put.

I always thought that Piven was a decent guy and his snarkiness / haughtiness was a clever act.

Hello Window.

And for being the only one to have removed lint from Robert Plant's bellybutton.

The quality of posts on AV Club's message boards is declining.

God, that episode when Uncle John Stamos bent Gibbler over the kitchen table and fisted her was one of my favorites, in my youth.

Bam seemed like he used to be cool, in his youth. The CKY videos are pretty great. It seemed like when he started becoming famous, he hung out less with Brandon DiCamillo and hung out more with Ryan Dunn. Then he assumed that he was a god and anything he did or said was worth paying attention to, which was/is wrong.

Is this the GI Joe game where Cobra Commander's weapon shot huge, slow, pink bubbles at the opponent?

Oh, snap.

Yes, that is extensive and frightening.

I thought "crack related" meant he stepped on a crack and since, unbeknownst to him, Baatin was his own mother, his back was broken and he fell over in a dead, crumpled heap.

Does anyone else say Huge Assman, instead of Hugh Jackman?

I can't see Anna Nicole Smith, she's 6 feet under…

Clever team name, even if dwarves and gnomes are two different races.

It's no good.

I 2nd Chuck's request of a Blood Bowl review.

As in, Don Knotts living anymore.