
Most of the MM hate seems to be directed at his girth. If Michael Moore were slim, would he draw the same amount of ire? I wonder.

This thread is devolving into shamefulness.

Someone should punch Sean Hannity in the throat.

@ Thaimiod - Soooo… Will Dan DeCarlo wait until jacobus is passed out to rise from his grave, or will he rise when he knows jacobus is at the party and just wait until he passes out?

FUCK! Zombie Johnny Cash! Shoot Him in the Fucking Head!

Do you anticipate the PS3 or Wii reaching a point where critics will be silenced? My sneaking suspicion is that these consoles have developed the permanent personality of "underachiever", from which they'll never be able to fully emerge. By the time they do, the next generation of consoles will be here.

Agreed. I have a 360, but harbor no resentment / hate towards the PS3 or the Wii. I love vids in all forms.

TW 2010 on the Wii is great.

Yep, IDM - Intelligent Dance Music. Used to be called Experimental, a term I prefer. It's the best, in my opinion, though largely undanceable.

"Neve" over? Hmmm… Not sure that's what I meant.

Listen to me! Your leg modeling career is neve over!

I'm killing my last 12 minutes waiting until 3PM - Can't Leave Before 3PM! Fuck's sake.

@ AJR - E.M.E. makes some very good points

That is a fantastic idea. Though, if they all simultaneously malfunctioned, that could be one, loud, horrible noise.

That is extraordinary - the painting, not the fictional Bob Ross BJ.

Hmmm… Appropriate name.

@ Detritus - Your post made me laugh out loud. I eat sunflower seeds while I work (i.e. sit on AV Club threads). There was a sunflower seed in my mouth when I read your post. It's now on my keyboard.

Bob Ross as your avatar? That's bold, Mongo. Very bold.

Pro Wrestling.

It's a nice idea, Odysseus5, but a little far-fetched.