
Somewhere Earl Campbell is weeping softly.

Why would carnies seek to develop trust with their clientle, anyway?

"… to her Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes."?

I concur.

Oh, McTaco…

You should give a shit about video games.


@ Whaaaaaaa - I can see what you're saying, definitely. GTA IV completely spoiled me in regards to what you should be able to do and what a real "living, breathing" city should feel like.

Do you know that "tho" isn't a word?

This is what I've been telling you.

She was pretty. She is now plastic.

I still use that line whenever someone orders / asks for a Heineken.

Speaking the truth, Hungus.

Serena Atschul…

You guys can type "fuck" for real here.

Question - If a turret presents itself in the game as a viable option, should you, as the player, always utilize it?

I still laugh uproariously at people that buy their music through iTunes, what with the DRM handcuffs and horrible bitrates.

That is amazing and hilarious.

EvelKareebel's comment made me spit out a sunflower seed in laughter.

I second Ocean of Cats' motion.