
Smash the State.

It is not.

Also, as I recall, The Olympian didn't actually have any powers without the Golden Fleece.

Nova's blue. And a good guy.

Beach City can be two things!

I can only say ZA WARUDO now.

Because someone's calling them on their bullshit.

I've never seen this show in my life, but I do like dipping into the reviews from time to time.

He's the snowman in Frozen, right?

Welcome to late stage capitalism!

What?! It's not a REAL Resident Evil without dogs!

Mike Pence was somehow spliced in from a different dystopia. Everyone else in the Trump administration is from Robocop, and Pence was taken from The Handmaid's Tale.

Just have "Alternative Facts" redirect to the "Lies" page and be done with it.

I feel like she's asking a lot from an Academy that still gives Roman Polanski standing ovations.


Yeah, that sounds like Disney.
Um, in case you couldn't tell, I was being completely sincere.

And people with depression just need to smile more and exercise.

I think you're giving kids a grasp of consequence that they don't really have.

So you're here to shit on something you've never seen… why?

I'll believe it when I watch the episodes.