
Obviously they can't kill him, Disney needs Heir to the Empire to plunder.

I've always felt that this stereotype of "rarr rarr uncontrolled rage" Sith is perpetuated by the Jedi in the same manner and for much the same reason as medieval Christianity perpetuated Jewish blood libel. It's a different Force religion, tapping into a different stream of power, and the winning side is relentless

It's also, as far as I know, complete bollocks, as in, that's not part of the mythology at all.

You mean like how he, alone of any Jedi we've ever seen, could STOP BLASTER BOLTS IN MID-AIR?

Luke had, what, two, three hours of half-assed training from a clearly drunk Obi Wan on the Millennium Falcon before blowing up the Death Star. Why isn't he a Mary Sue?

Because it's Rey's lightsaber. She's Anakin's clone.

That's what Shmi tells us, and no Jedi at any point in any of the prequels ever suggests it might not be the truth.

Remember, Anakin was a virgin birth. He was formed by the Midichlorians to give balance to the Force. The Force just quickened one of Shmi's eggs, and since you have to be a male to be a Messiah, apparently, they dummied up at LEAST a Y chromosome out of nothing.

The entire Jedi Council took Shmi's word for it. Who are WE to question the mighty Jedi Council and its infinite wisdom?

Just cloning. Remember, Anakin didn't have any male contribution, the Force just dummied up some fake chromosomes so he could go to term. So, any clone of Darth Vader would be a girl.

They're, uh, brothers, I think.

Seriously, she's genetically Luke's father!

Too soon, man. Too soon.

Rey is obviously a clone of Anakin.

Thrawn is the Big Bad on this season of Rebels. That pretty much means that's all we're getting.

Miss. Shulkie's a miss. The Sh is short for She.

I don't think of Millennials as lazy at all, just hobbled by their Gen X parents never letting them do anything whatsoever on their own, and swooping in to save them at the slightest speed bump or difficulty.

Lyle doesn't have a job and thus isn't oppressed in the workplace for being a woman, because he's not a woman.

Hello Kitty is how Sanrio draws cats. This is, once you've got the Sanrio house-style down, clearly a Red Panda.