
She. The singing elephant is a she.

How soon we forget Norm of the North.

I don't fully understand that kind of music snobbery. Why can't an actor also be a musician, and a good one, at that? Why can't a musician also be a good actor? It's like, "No, no, you got high ratings in Talent A, so we're just going to outright denigrate any other abilities you might have"

I have his sister's album of standards, Hayley Sings, and she's got a nice set of pipes in her, herself.

I'd feel more confident about this pan if it had more than one sentence in it that couldn't have been written just by watching the available trailers and checking the film's IMDB page.



Look, I'm more than happy to support anything that keeps racist assholes out of my theater going experience.

They still had this thing called an imagination back then.

No, as there wasn't even a question about what Christmas was about back then.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Charles Dickens wrote extensive social commentary about street urchins using dead bird symbolism.

And the only way Mozambique is worth only 32 points is if you somehow played a 10 letter word that doesn't touch *any* score multipliers.

You can reach Alaska by boat without ever entering Canada.

They would have called them "Gulaangga", the Wiradjuri word for "Frog".

Greenland is an autonomous country within the Danish realm. They are not a sovereign state, but they are most certainly a country.

Well they're super beautiful.


Dear Hollywood, there are too many celebrity Taylors. Please eliminate three. I am not a crackpot.

By actually reading things they wrote.

I honestly thought Scalia was a 2015 gift.