
Ah, I see! Thank you.

You can't just *be* a noble! Nobility doesn't work that way!

Tiana wasn't a princess until she married the Frog. Mulan wasn't a princess at any point. Moana and Pocahontas are technically not princesses.

Because I'm interested in what people think about things?

Because some people pitched huge fucking fits over them.

Yes. She wouldn't be a very good Hawk Guy if she couldn't.

Didn't Fraction invent her?

I was 100% confused as to what the hell that cover had to do with anything.

How about you back the fuck off into your own fucking business instead of sticking your nose up my ass because I used caps.

I wasn't mad until you told me to stop being mad.

I politely asked why someone thought what they did. I was told to Google it. Fuck off.

They banned Minion memes at the Avocado. What the hell kind of world am I living in?

I liked Moonrise Kingdom? I mean, it wasn't life-changing or anything, but it was good?

Be more funny!

That's a MUCH better reference in context!


I will never let a discussion of Drake go by without sharing this picture.

It's a reference to Big Trouble in Little China, on my part.

I don't like Beyoncé, I don't like country music, this whole controversy can get to fuck as far as I'm concerned. Everyone's saying "It is" or "It isn't" without giving any goddamned reasons, so I thought I would outright ASK someone why they hold the opinion they do.