
Not liking Beyoncé, at all, leaves me unable to participate in any sorts of arguments about whether it is or isn't country, but why do you say it is unequivocally country?

Wasn't easy!

I like that song unironically. But it's… just a rock song with a southern accent.

I've had issues with the RNRHOF's big tent for a long time. It just seems like putting football players and hockey players in the Baseball Hall of Fame. I acknowledge the phenomenal talent of most of their nominees, but if you want to include football and hockey, call yourself the SPORTS hall of fame instead of

Cool, cool. Handy to know.

See, I actually have some problems with putting rappers in the rock and roll hall of fame, just on account of them not actually performing rock and roll music. Particularly when bands like Skunk Anansie and Fishbone are ignored, and it took until THIS YEAR for Bad Brains to be nominated, I feel like they're ignoring

The Stand user or the band?

I can't remember, can we say сunt over here?


Sorry fellas, I don't make the rules. I just repeat them ironically.

There was the werewolf Sir Marrok, there was the solar powered, superstrong Sir Gawain, the sorcerer Sir Bedivere, Sir Kay could grow to giant size and shoot supernatural heat from his hands, Sir Balin wielded the Lance of Longinus and once used it to destroy an entire kingdom in an single blow. And Sir Lancelot was,

Carl Palmer could not be reached for comment, as he was hiding in a fortified bunker until after the New Year.

Country music is performed by white people, silly.

I prefer the looser, sketchier style of The Aristocats, The Jungle Book, and Robin Hood.

He's just doin' turtle things!

Why would you kill a turtle!? Don't kill a turtle!

"Lady Parts-Justice League"

dumpster fire is too close to trumpster fire, and the AV Club staff can't afford to be sent to the camps.

Wait, you're opposed to the demonization of white supremacists?

No, Slenderman was a photoshop that was created for a thread called "Let's Create an Urban Legend"