
Just let the old people be thoughtlessly racist. They'll be dead soon.

You should maybe stop paying to see shitty movies.

What? What now?

This kid was mostly angry and confused by why they'd choose to go to such a stupid, lame place when they had Eternia RIGHT THERE.

It is 100% true.

Oh, god fucking dammit, AV Club. FIX YOUR GODDAMNED LOGIN SYSTEM.

Will I be able to watch any random stretch of this film for more than five minutes before I wander off, bored?

I'm never ashamed of understanding causality.

O hai

This past year's was to see every US wide release animated feature. I failed terribly because I forgot to account for shit like Norm of the North and The Angry Birds Movie when making the resolution.

I made it myself, but it's inspired by a classic 1970s fantasy film.

I just want to have been in the meeting where they decided to have most of the Masters of the UNIVERSE movie take place in suburbia.

Maybe we could get a college-aged actress to play the college-aged superhero? I mean, even Anna Kendrick is over a decade too old.

It's spelled correctly right there!

If you've ever heard him talk about D&D (or the time he made Dame Judi Dench play D&D with him), you wouldn't think, you'd know.

Cookie Monster (created 1966) is copying Hulk (created 1962).

I spent a minute getting some Hulk x Groot pictures before remembering the AVClub doesn't do image embeds.

Thing is, Flora colossi larynges don't stiffen and
harden until they reach maturity, so a baby Groot can successfully
replicate human speech. It's only adults who sound like they're only capable of saying "I am Groot"

But, seriously, it's a shame that Groot and Hulk are fighting. They have so much in common! They've both been God-King of entire planets, they both have had smart-ass sidekicks, they've both lost their true loves to senseless super violence. They should be FRIENDS, guy. FRIENDS.
