
eSports is just Madden and shit, right?

In the most technical sense of the term, all games are competitive. Otherwise, they're just toys.

It's not always a sex thing! Sometimes it's just a murder thing.

To be fair, they're actually just old Palladium Fantasy rulebooks with MDC bolted on and the weapons tables from Robotech pasted in.

Depending on your market, you might be able to get a few hundred bucks out of that.

Random Harlot Table, 1st Edition DMG.

It's spelled correctly right there.

Grues didn't make it into D&D until the MM2 in 1983.

You might want to have a seat.


You've been able to torrent a copy of the original D&D since torrenting was a thing.

Solo adventures were pretty popular back in the day, especially with the Tunnels and Trolls RPG.

I wish I had anyone who loved me. At all.

Trump's currently rockin' a 37.5% approval rating.

The folks who "sold" that island had about as much right to the island as you have to the Brooklyn Bridge.

Remember how everyone was reassuring themselves that Trump would cause the Republican Party to disintegrate?

Let me clarify.

Wait. How did we get from no longer making cooking shows to cordoning off half the country?


This would've been back in the 100s, early 200s.