
Nobody who cares about Star Wars movies doesn't spend all day dickin' around on the Internet.

This is really the first year I can remember where it was such a resounding, repeating motif, though.


The, uh, influenza epidemic that killed roughly 50 million people? I guess none of them were celebrities so it doesn't count.

It seems like all I do on the Internet is decry people making basic logical and factual mistakes, and when I take a break to decry wild hyperbole, I'm accused of defending people making basic logical and factual mistakes. In that spirit, you can kindly go fuck yourself.

Even if you do value their opinion, and even if you like this band, they really can all be wrong.

I'm fairly confident Kanye, Chance, and Bon Iver can, in fact, all be wrong.

I listen to MP3s via WinAmp on real wired speakers? And I don't feel like a music snob?

Yes, an article about music formats on a pop culture website is precisely equivalent to the chief executive of the world's largest economy and military.

He's 83 years old. The only thing going up each day is the likelihood that he will die of being 83 years old.

So, does Terrence Malick even like movies? Is there something I'm not getting about this guy?

I'm fairly certain we're also fucked should there be a coup, man.

Then you have Illinois and Georgia, were nobody knows how to spell

What the S stood for wasn't even on my list.

Wookiee, and at the time of A New Hope Chewbacca was 200 Standard years old.

I have no doubts there are much worse movies than Easy Rider, but I am restricting myself solely to films I have actually seen.

Jordan Belfort is Donald Trump's new Secretary of the Treasury.

Is the Imitation Game the movie that gave the famously homosexual Alan Turing a female love interest?

I think the article says Selma was 100% accurate.