
Having never found declassified proof of actual UFOs.

Lucy Liu and America Ferrera are in them, too.

Does he have any scary ones?

He's a stuffed saddlebag! God-Empress Celestia probably just forced him on Cadence to keep tabs for her up in the Empire.

That douchebag?


I actually wonder if any of our nukes have even had their trajectories changed since the Cold War.

I basically assume that all 70-year-old men are assholes towards women.

Yeah, pretty much.

That sort of ethical calculus is beyond my pay grade!

I'm GenX, and I've never had a Big Mac. I always had Royales with Cheese, or Chicken McNuggets.

I never would have considered Stephen Merchant for Caliban, but now that I hear about it, it's actually pretty good casting.

I'd forgotten Ross Perot was basically Scrooge McDuck.

The version in the Fairy's Hollow movies is better. They really are almost entirely different characters, when you put them side-by-side.

She's deputy culture editor over at Vox.

I have two settings. Completely, boringly accurate; and schizophrenic confabulation.

In the late 19th/early 20th centuries, temperance advocate Carrie Nation had some notoriety for carrying around a hatchet with which she would utterly destroy bars and saloons. She described herself as a "bulldog for Jesus, running at His heels and barking at everything He hates". She was, let's say, not well liked by

We talk about Disney like it's a big monolithic entity, but it really is a conglomerate, with lots of chiefs making lots of decisions at cross-purposes to one another. The Star Wars division really seems to be working at being "popular for everyone", while leaving the Princesses and Superheroes to keep perpetuating

Technically, the "Randi Rhodes, Ninja Detective" series is kinda science fiction, so @jaunty_pallor:disqus isn't wrong.

Do you think she'd come back?