
Rich Old White Man is an entirely literal and accurate description of George Lucas. Any derisiveness is entirely placed into that text by the reader.

I can't put into words how delighted I am to have Rabin and O'Neal back at the Mothership and writing long-form articles again.

The Tinkerbell movies are much better than you might expect, but are strangely sexless given how sexual Tinkerbell was in Peter Pan.

Disney's entire business model is built on a foundation of rigorously segregating "boy's entertainment" from "girl's entertainment" and coming down hard on anyone who tries to change that paradigm.

I own Twice Upon a Time on VHS. I should get it transferred to DVD or just ripped to digital if I ever expect to see it again.

Frozen had songs that weren't Let it Go?

But none of them had any SOUL, man. Slick Willy was playing the light jazz soundtrack of my HEART.


I'll watch Polanski's films when he's dead.

Remember when Clinton played the sax on Arsenio? Why don't more presidential candidates pander to the youth like that anymore?

English, being a cobbled together monstrosity of a language, has exceptions to every rule, and given the standardization of this exception, it seems like a pretty solid rule. Language Log doesn't disagree that there is a proper usage, only that "counting vs measure" isn't as rock solid inviolable at Latin's crazy

Upvoted for proper use of less/fewer.


Lizardmen are.

Oh, I'm completely 100% D&D Racist.

Technically, speciesist.


Even when you're not at fault?! That's bullshit.

I really have no idea why anyone still lives in California. It's the blue state Florida.

Classic Poe.