

The true Maltese Falcon was made of delicious dark chocolate.

I like [ALL BOOKS] how come *I* never got a shot at Rory?

Just the first in a long series of disappointing her mother.

THAT might actually get me to drive the hour it would take to get to any of the Colorado coffee shops.

Is strawberry slang for something?

I would think New Jersey diners would be the Platonic ideal from which other diners can only deviate.

He certainly doesn't seem to have been cast for Riverdale yet.

You can get food that isn't stale cookies with an Italian name at a diner.

I know of at least three in Denver.

It's very good looking.

From context, I don't think these are romance novels, despite the covers. They seem very, very literary, and (for me) very, very dull.

I'm just assuming Claudio Gatti has a Google alert set up with his name, and comments on all articles involving himself.

The Inca did.

You're just making up names now.

You might know him as Robin Gunningham.

True, true. You were in a bit of a conundrum. I suppose if you'd taken a second class with him, you could have asked. After all, following that first class, you had heard of him.

Hm. That's possible. Did you try asking the professor why you failed?

Chuck Lorre is actually Thomas Pynchon.

Don't block Mr. Gatti!