
So, entirely unironically, Facebook will bring back the buying and selling of human beings?

I don't know what to tell ya, buddy.

What kind of crap is going on, @El Santo:disqus? Anything we can do to help?

You know you don't have to be friends with the bigots, right?

But less successful than Yahoo! Screen.

Facebook doesn't believe in curation. That's why their trending feature is garbage now.

Except for two dear friends who didn't even GO to my high school, I haven't spoken to anyone from high school in 21 years, despite being "Friends" with approximately 2/3rds of them on Facebook.

For crying out loud, Facebook, the only new features I want to see from you is A) making "sort by most recent" a PERMANENT setting for my wall, and B) exasperated eyeroll, disgusted sigh, and blank stare reactions.

They're not even all women!

Can I go now?

I obviously had to pick and choose to only have 7.

I started my experiment of watching a horror movie every night of Halloween. I watched The Midnight Meat Train on the 1st, and the original Halloween on the 2nd. I believe tonight will be Carver, the slasher film that I helped Kickstart that was written and directed by a little girl.

The Fourth Law is actually the Zeroth Law in the hierarchy. It was just added much later than the other three.

I think that was just a subclause of the First Law.

Hm. Let's see… Julie Madison, Selina Kyle, Silver St. Cloud, Vicki Vale, Talia al-Ghul, Natalia Knight, and Vesper Fairchild?

Wouldn't that be confusing if they used Superman Red and Superman Blue for that film?

Tyler Perry's I Can Do Batman All By Myself.

Once… Twice… Three Times a Batman

The First Law is about individual humans.

I'm sure those six people will be delighted.