
Technically, the Fourth Law states "A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm."

The Doctor didn't used ta breathe in space while yelling at the devil that he was The Doctor and so he shouldn't eat a planet. Who Classic would never have fucking had the Moon be an egg that hatched an animal bigger than the Moon that immediately laid an egg the size of the Moon.

Ah, well:

Also on the declension.

If he's acting a certain way all the time, perhaps he's not "breaking character" but is instead acting in-character for a different character than you think he's playing?

Or as Banana Guy on Adventure Time.

Was she worried she was gay?

Cappadociae, I think.

To be clear, the redundancy is in having multiple Batmen, not in having a multiplicity of gay heroes.

Bite my shiny metal ass, AV Club login manager.

Me, personally?

In the face of 7 billion human lives, it takes a special kind of narcissism to preserve one's own life.

NuWho isn't even science fiction anymore! Who Classic was only ever BARELY science fiction, and Davies and Moffat binned that entirely.

Going no further back in time than 150 years is NOT time travel. It's time, I don't know, "a quick trip to the end of the of the driveway to pick up the mail". I know that's not terribly catchy, but I'm sick of lazy-ass TV writers only writing time travel stories that they can use to pull the studio's Victorian-era

Milo seems a lot more assertive than Doug, and a lot more spectacularly prone to disaster than Eugene.

If you're going all Latin with it, it's should be "oak-toe-POE-days". It's been a decade since I've done any spoken Hellenic, so I'm going to beg off the Greek pronunciation.

Opossum isn't an Algonquin word. Apossoum is. Thus, opossums, rather than apossoumak. I honestly have no idea how to make a plural in Tibetan, but that's okay, I'm saying yak, not གཡག.

Also the government of Russia.

Shit in one hand, take a dump in the other…