
White, hetero men are not as blatantly on-top and in charge of literally everything as they were a hundred years ago. Going from 100% in charge to 95% in charge is perceived as being ignored because human beings are fucking children.

Cruz would spend every waking moment trying to turn this dumpster fire of a country into a dumpster fire of a theocracy.

Oh, probably back in the late 70s, early 80s when the popular imagination decided all women wanted "sensitive" men, and being a cold, abusive asshole began falling out of fashion.

Octopodes is the most correct, but octopuses is acceptable, as the word has been completely assimilated into English, allowing it to take English plurals. Octopi is right out.

Quixote is a Spanish word, but quixotic is English, so different pronunciation rules.

I presume nothing in this post-Black Label Bacon world.

BOLOGNA?! I've been saying BANANA all this time! Why didn't anyone tell me!?

Is this the only review of Colossal we're gonna get?

What the hell is "Super Deluxe"?

They genuinely think this shit is relatable.

Who was his favorite horse?

Who cares about these assholes? Who's playing the horses?!

Lost in La Mancha

Quixote is "Kee-HO-tay," but quixotic is "QUICK-sot-ick"

With things like Tumblr, it's an SEO thing. The way they're set up means that there's a two-way street between follower and followed - so when the index spiders come and see this garbage blog, but it's got a connection to 500 GOOD blogs, the spiders say, "Oh! This must be a good blog, even if it doesn't have ANY

What's shell art?

But I think those two were specifically Russians.

Major Malfunction reporting for duty, Sir.

I'm available to play James Bond for a mere 30 million dollars, MGM.