
Not an adult.

I'm not entirely sure "blackness" is an accurate description of this place.

Hilariously (to me), Eleanor made the exact same face *I'd* make if someone had told me I'd broken the world.

Jason seems like the kind of guy who would try to pull some "clever" bullshit with REAL drug dealers and get brutally murdered by REAL drug dealers.

I suspect Chidi's score came out null. He literally did NOTHING with his life that had an effect on others.

Janet was asked to provide Eleanor Goodwoman's favorite meal, not Eleanor Notsogood's. Even if the two Eleanors share the same name, they are different people, and omniscience would imply that she knows which one people mean when they say the Earthican name.

I don't see the appeal of Broad City, either.

Did you read the article, at all?

I never had a Teddy Ruxpin because my family was too poor. I always thought he was pretty neat, myself.


Ego conveniunt. Vetus melius est verbis.

It is, it is. They didn't have truth in advertising laws in the 1920s.

Late stage capitalism will be the end of us all.

Look, all I wanted to do was convey that his work is proudly middlebrow.

There is no return train.

He makes movies that people who thought Crash deserved to win an Oscar like.

Yes, yes, I'm furthering the Patriarchy…

I hope it won't be your last!

They stayed true to their principles, and that's all that matters.

I didn't KNOW about the creases! I bought it on Amazon!