
Isn't that Pretty Little Liars?

Keifer Sutherland's Nerd President remains just as comical as Rainier Wolfcastle's Undercover Nerd.

I was just speculating this morning on what Left-Hand Path Cthulhu Cultism would look like.

Only failure at patriarchy is rebellion.

I own Raphael Mazzucco's coffee table book Culo, and this stupid thing has the crease of the book cutting across several of the butt pictures, and what the hell man?

All words are, technically, made up. Unless you're speaking the perfect language of Heaven from before the Babel event.

There are only 13 genders.

Is it okay that I really like Futura? Am I safe from font enthusiast hate with that?


No, none of those.

In the role-playing game Unknown Armies, there are a type of character who gain power by shaping their lives into those of Jungian archetypes, and those archetypes could change because society changes, etc etc. And one important non-player character was trying to shape an archetype called "The Algerian Hero"

And I've forgiven him.

They COULD be. I mean, I don't know your rugs.

Holy shit, I've always hated Portlandia. I hated it before it was cool to hate it. Does this make me a hipster?!

That lacked his insufferable, pinched face.

If I remember the old Chaosium campaign correctly, it was a cult of Nyarlathotep.

The accepted term is "Celestials"

Orient means East. The Orient Express is a train that goes East, quickly.

I can watch shows on real TV.

That's rather my point. What am I paying Netflix for if the fucking vending machine at the gas station gets movies before they do?