
Susan's relationship to Finn and the real nature of Fiona and Cake are the only semi-original mysteries left, but there's a whole post-Mushroom War world to explore outside of the, what, 100 square miles of Ooo?

Gwen was a cute kid, and the pedos latch onto every pre-pubescent cartoon girl, but I really don't know how she became the Pepe of Pedos.

That's the joke.

The chantards who were the primary source of illegal downloads exploded in anger and disgust over Season 6.

Shows that are building to something that get too successful inevitably have at least one season of spinning their wheels, since they can't wrap things up because they keep not getting cancelled, but they don't want to introduce new elements because they really do have an endgame planned.

I don't know what blackmail Rebecca Sugar has over the executives over at CN, but that woman is making the gayest show on television right now.

I think this is the last season of MLP:FiM

Yeah, there is that tension between making their gay fans happy and making their asexual fans happy. And either one would make their remaining 4chan fans unhappy.


Asexual space rocks. Please, CN would like to keep airing their Rule 63 Magical Girl show in Russia.

I don't know why they're being coy with "something more". It's not going to be a Broadway play or an Icecapades tour. It's going to be a movie. If you say "miniseries" and "specials", the only thing left that isn't entirely insane is "movie".

Nickelodeon, too. CN just seems to overall be the most conservative of the big three cartoon channels.

Yeah, sorry. The comics, which have less overseas value, have all but canonized it, if it makes you feel better.

Should also be finished sometime in 2018.

Uncle Grandpa was cancelled back in April.

You're everything wrong with contemporary media.

Olivia Olson once referred to them having a romantic relationship, and almost immediately recanted. Granted, probably after pressure from the Network, who enjoys being able to air their advertising vectors in countries where homosexuality is illegal. Nevertheless, it's not canon, and is unlikely to be unless the AT

Indeed. It's okay for things to end. It's okay for things to end before they're too worn out and busted to enjoy existing.

Please explain.

There's a gorilla.