
A mere 30 years younger than Jerry! Totally different from the 36 years separating McKinnon and Clinton!


We've known Lorne is racist for decades now.

TV was very important in my household growing up, so yeah, we splurged for the TV that could double as a kitchen table.

I don't get it.

Is this what it's come to? Are we going to end up paying 200 bucks a month just to have three networks, PBS, and a second dial full of UHF crap?

I mean, even if we ignore his part on Boardwalk Empire, he's got 8 credits for 2015 alone.

For God's sake, when are we finally gonna hit Peak TV?

Pepe fell in with a bad crowd, and before he knew it, he was the face of Stormfront.

One for each kind of music - Country and Western.

Pepe misses the days when he was just a secondary character in a funny animal stoner comic.

Pepe is no more a white supremacist than the Jews forced to build munitions in German factories were Nazis.

Hey! His middle name is Lawrence! No need for the scare quotes, pal!

Billy Baldwin will play Jill Stein.

Larry the Cable Guy has a joke wherein he implies she's a man.

Obama will, starting in January, always play Obama.

Adam's playing Gary Johnson.

You know, Kate McKinnon is four years younger than Hillary's daughter, Chelsea.

Jonathan was a half-wit.
Joseph is Ferris Bueller.
Jotaro is John Bender.
Josuke's an idiot, but only because he's a teenager.
Jolyne's got daddy issues.

He has anime eyes.