
Wait, wait, Captain Archer was a hologram!?

Can you really copyright a lazy-ass time travel premise?

I always wondered if he had the blobfish comic character or the sidekick from Quantum Leap.

I don't get it.

When I was a kid back in the 80s, sometimes one of the other kids would get his hands (it was always a boy) on some mercury and bring it to school, for show & tell, or for science class, and we'd put it on our hands and watch it roll around and we'd go "ooo! ha ha!" and it would be neat, and nobody ever once said,

I think you're the first person I've encountered who thinks Day is better than Dawn.

I'm sorry, but I must disagree in the strongest possible terms.

I believe that 2004 Dawn in no way improves on 1978's.

It is a Vampire: the Masquerade thing, yes.

Thank you! But it seems Beige solved the mystery. I'll need to check out the Poe story, though.

Beige solved the mystery (I just rewatched the episode, it's definitely "Top Billing" from Tales from the Crypt) but thank you! I'd checked out both of those series as well in my ineffectual hunt.

OH SHIT. No, that might very well be it.

Doesn't seem to be the series, either, but damned if I don't need to watch it anyway!

Yeah, I just went to the IMDB episode listing, and there are definitely some dark ones, but unless I'm blowing a really minor element up into a central twist, none of them are what I'm thinking of.

Seems too dark for Amazing Stories?

Dammit, Tales from the Darkside isn't the series, either. I've been trying for weeks now to figure out what show aired an episode I only vaguely remember from my childhood, where the inmates had literally taken over an asylum, and the guy who was there from the outside found out too late, and the episode ends with…

The Malkavian Mailing List, or nList as we affectionately called it.

I know who fucking Bob Montana is.

Peruvian flake sounds like a Cocaine brand, not a Pot brand.

I will endeavor to do my best and soldier on.