
How do we know it's a dead child? It could be the ghost of a developmentally delayed dwarf.

Unless Tom Hanks turns out to be the guy that raped Corey Haim and pimped him out to other child rapists in Hollywood for years.

I regret to inform you that I am not, in fact, down with the Knife. Bro.

Fifteen minutes. That's… that's insulting.

You're fired.

Oh, right! My Chemical Romance, right? I liked his Umbrella Academy comics.

He's from New Jersey, so maybe.


They didn't usedta. It's only in these latter days, when artists are copying artists who were copying Dan Parent who was copying Dan DeCarlo, that they started to look exactly alike.

Sadly, Riverdale Fred will, like every other even slightly less than hot character in Archie, not be played by someone who looks at all like him in the slightest, but instead by a blandly handsome heartthrob.

THAT'S the one with a band!

That Skeets's last name is BX9.

Obviously! Or you wouldn't have said she puts out!

I thought Skeet Ulrich was in a band?

If any of you would bother reading Archie comics, Veronica is what's known amongst high school boys as a tease. She promises the moon to get boys to do things for her, and then maybe lets them get to first base, just enough to keep 'em hooked.

Goddammit, why does one of those two Sprouse motherfuckers have to shit up Archie now?

NetFlix remains hot garbage if you don't want to watch their original programming or maintain a DVD subscription.

Yes, right?
